

  • The Results, Response and Remedy of Sin - Psalm 38

    Gary Wilkerson

    In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson explores the deep implications of sin, detailing its profound effects on our lives and the divine response it elicits. The sermon meticulously examines Psalm 38, where David confesses the overwhelming burden of his sins and their debilitating impact on his spirit, mind, and body. Gary underscores the necessity of acknowledging our sins and the indispensable role of God's grace in our redemption. He emphasizes that while sin wreaks havoc, God's mercy presents the ultimate remedy through the transformative power of forgiveness and the hope of salvation.



  • Taking Back Control of Your Life

    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    Many Christians want to be instruments of God's work in the world, and that is commendable. However, we are often tempted into making the Lord's battles into our personal fight, and then our egos and pride get involved. In this sermon, David Wilkerson examines the prophet Elijah's struggle against Queen Jezebel and why God allowed Elijah to experience such intense spiritual attack and setbacks in his ministry to Israel.

  • The Restraining Power of the Holy Spirit

    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    In this sermon, David Wilkerson discusses the restraining power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians. Using biblical examples like King Saul, he illustrates how rejecting God's Word and commandments can lead to the lifting of the Holy Spirit's restraining power, resulting in turmoil, envy, self-pity, and even turning against God's messengers. This sermon emphasizes the importance of trembling at God's Word, maintaining a holy fear of God, and consistently studying the Bible to keep the Holy Spirit's restraining power active in one's life. He encourages Christians to repent of their sins and seek deliverance, trusting in God's love and mercy.

  • Workers for the Truth (3 John 1-15)

    Joshua West

    In this sermon on 3 John, Joshua West examines the importance of walking in truth and showing hospitality to fellow believers. He contrasts the faithful actions of Gaius with the selfish behavior of Diotrephes, emphasizing that true faith is evidenced by good works and support for those spreading the gospel. The sermon highlights the unifying power of truth in Christ and calls believers to live out their faith through generous support of gospel workers.

  • Walking in Truth and Love (2 John 1:1-13)

    Joshua West

    In this sermon, based on 2 John, Joshua West emphasizes the critical balance between truth and love in the Christian life. He warns against false teachers and those who distort God's Word, urging believers to remain firmly rooted in Scripture. True love is inseparable from biblical truth and obedience to God's commandments. Joshua cautions against extending Christian fellowship to those who teach contrary to sound doctrine, highlighting the importance of discernment. He concludes by reaffirming the centrality of Jesus Christ as the living Word and the source of light and life for believers.

  • Poor and Needy, but Loved - Psalm 40

    Gary Wilkerson

    Gary Wilkerson delves into the profound message of Psalm 40, emphasizing that God's love is unwavering, especially when we find ourselves in the depths of despair and need. He illustrates how God's grace lifts us from our struggles, providing a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Through personal anecdotes and biblical references, Gary encourages Christians to embrace their identity as beloved children of God, irrespective of their circumstances, and to trust in His plans for their lives.

  • The Confidence We Have Towards God (1 John 5:13-21)

    Joshua West

    Joshua West delves into the concluding verses of 1 John, highlighting the unshakeable promises that God has given to believers. By examining 1 John 5:13-21, the sermon emphasizes the certainty of eternal life for those who believe in Jesus Christ, the assurance that God hears and answers prayers according to His will, and the victory over sin that believers should experience. The message encourages Christians to anchor their lives in these eternal truths, ensuring they remain steadfast amidst life's uncertainties and to guard against idolatry.

  • Overcoming Shame and Anger - Psalm 39

    Gary Wilkerson

    In this transformative sermon Gary Wilkerson delves into Psalm 39, discussing the relationship between shame and anger. He emphasizes that unresolved shame often leads to anger and turmoil in relationships. He encourages Christians to bring their shame and anger before God, allowing Him to heal their hearts and replace those negative emotions with joy and peace. He reminds us that life is short and should be spent pursuing growth, maturity, and loving others deeply, rather than remaining stuck in cycles of conflict.

  • Overcoming the World (1 John 5:1-12)

    Joshua West

    In this exhortative sermon, Joshua West explains that those who genuinely believe that Jesus is the Christ and Son of God are born of God and will overcome the world. He outlines three key evidences of being born of God: confessing Jesus as the Christ, loving God and fellow believers, and obeying God's commandments out of love rather than burden. Christians overcome the world not by their own works, but through faith in Christ's completed work on the cross. Joshua West also highlights the unique testimony of the Spirit, water, and blood that affirms Jesus' divinity and sacrificial death. Eternal life is found exclusively in Jesus Christ, and those who put their faith in Him will lose their life for His sake but ultimately gain true, everlasting life.

  • Believing What God Says About You

    Gary Wilkerson

    In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson discusses how the devil accuses and deceives us, leading to feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. He emphasizes the importance of being aware of these attacks, rejecting the lies, and instead agreeing with and affirming what God says about our value, purpose, and identity in Christ. Gary encourages Christians to spend time with Jesus, allowing His truth to heal their hearts and enable them to live out their calling to love and serve others.