

  • What Is Your Until?

    Gary Wilkerson

    What is your "until", the thing that you are looking forward to with all your heart? In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson talks about how God wants our desires to turn our hearts toward him. However, we should evaluate our desires and dreams to see if they actually align with scripture and God's will for us as an individual. It can also be easier to not desire things because disappointment is so painful, so how do we maintain this hope for God's gifts and plans?

  • Walking in the Light of Truth

    Joshua West

    We subtract from the power of the gospel every time we try to add anything to God's Word. In this sermon, Joshua West explains how humanity has historically always struggled with wanting to elaborate on the simple gospel, undercutting its true power, and why people wrestle with this destructive impulse. Our best work as believers will always be to worship and live as God commands rather than trying to elaborate on his commands.

  • A Call to Preach the Word (2 Timothy 4:1-5)

    Joshua West

    Approaching death brings a kind of clarity to life. When Paul wrote Timothy, he knew he was going to die soon. His commands then to his young protege reflect this clarity; he focuses on the treasure and reward of Christ that all believers receive when we live unapologetically for God. In this sermon, Joshua West explores what this boldness looks like for modern Christians in an antagonistic culture. We are called to live for Christ because we've already surrendered our lives to God's will and purposes.

  • A Life Poured Out for Christ (2 Timothy 4:6-22)

    Joshua West

    What does it mean to give up our lives for Christ? How do believers reach a place where they are mentally and spiritually prepared to give everything for the kingdom of God? In this sermon, Joshua West examines the Apostle Paul's last letter to the early church and how this epistle gives us a beautiful roadmap to reaching that place of peace with self-sacrifice.

  • Letter from Jesus

    Gary Wilkerson

    What would Jesus say to you if he wrote you an individual letter? We know from the gospels that Christ deeply loves people, but he also never shied away from correcting sin in his disciples' lives. In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson examines Christ's letters to the seven churches in Revelation and how each of these letters might have been written to us. The letters tend to praise certain aspects of the church but also point out how growth and discipline are still desperately needed. It's a message that each one of us should take to heart. 

  • The Whole Counsel of God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:10-17)

    Joshua West

    Churches that value anything above the proclamation of the gospel and God's Word will always drift away from sound doctrine. In this sermon, Joshua West emphasizes the importance of holding the whole counsel of the Bible above all other religious traditions or personal desires. Individual believers have a responsibility to know what the scriptures say so that they can not only accurately evaluate if a church or its leaders are healthy but also effectively live out their faith in their Christian community.

  • Culture of Self (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

    Joshua West

    Many churches and believers claim that they believe in the Bible, but their behavior and actions testify that they don't. In this sermon, Joshua West explains how we can discern whether or not our church or the people in our lives actually submit to scripture as God's Word. One important mark of spiritual maturity is being able to identify false teaching and to seek biblically sound instruction.

  • A Worker Approved by God (2 Timothy 2:14-26)

    Joshua West

    How exactly did the Apostle Paul intend for believers to become 'workmen approved by God'? In this sermon, Joshua West talks about where the Bible instructs Christians how to examine their faith and relationship with the Lord, how to align themselves to the scriptures and to submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit. Certain characteristics will be evident in a heart submitted to God and sound doctrine, and mature believers will be able to identify those signs of the Spirit's work in a life.