David Wilkerson Devotions

No Human Way Out

David Wilkerson

Let’s talk about bondage to sin — that is, your battle with the flesh. Under the New Covenant, God allows situations to enter your life to show your helplessness and total dependence on Him to deliver you through faith. God never leads us into temptation but He allows us to come to our wits’ end at times.

If you have a besetting sin, lying spirits come against you continually with demonic lies: “You’re not going to make it. You’re going down! You will end up destroyed.” You wonder, “Lord, how will I ever get up from this? I’ve gone down so low!”

Just be Still

David Wilkerson

Are you facing a severe crisis right now? You may ask, “What am I supposed to do when I’m brought into such a desperate situation? What should I do when everything appears hopeless — when there is no place to turn and no visible escape? What happens when I’m overcome with fear because everything is coming down all around me and I have no answers for my problems, no one to tell me how to get out of my trouble?”

When There is No Escape

David Wilkerson

We read in Exodus 14 that God told the children of Israel to camp “before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea” (14:2). This location was situated between two mountain passes with the sea bordering a third side. The only possible route of escape was back into the wilderness — and that was blocked by Pharaoh’s approaching army.

“God, Where Are You?”

David Wilkerson

In times of crisis we want to take action and fix the situation. It is against our nature to stand still and wait; in fact, waiting patiently for God to act is probably the most difficult thing about the Christian walk. Even devoted believers sometimes panic when the Lord doesn’t act quickly, and they often desperately cry out, “Lord, do something!”

We Believe!

David Wilkerson

It was the night before the crucifixion of Christ. Jesus had gathered His disciples in an upper room to prepare them for His departure from the earth. After they shared a meal together, the Lord took a towel and proceeded to wash the men’s feet.

That evening, Jesus told these devoted followers He was going to be “lifted up” (meaning crucified) by the hands of wicked men. When He told them this, He was forewarning them about what was to come.

Mercy, Peace And Joy

David Wilkerson

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you: not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

At the cross, mercy and peace took on the face of Jesus Christ. Throughout history, whenever a child of God has fully trusted in the cleansing, healing power of Christ’s blood, peace has been promised. It is Christ’s own peace, the very peace that rules paradise.

The apostle Paul’s words on this subject are meant to help every believer apply this truth in his own walk:

Is God Mad At You?

David Wilkerson

“‘For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.’ If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?” (Hebrews 12:6-7).

You are never more loved than when you are chastened or corrected by the Lord. In fact, the entire process of chastening has everything to do with God’s desire for you. It is all meant to take you into the knowledge and glory of Himself. And remember, God never chastens His children in anger.

The Unfathomable Mercy of God

David Wilkerson

The scene at Calvary did not look like a victory. But that day something was at work that Satan did not know about. It was something he will never understand about our blessed Savior. I’m talking about the unfathomable mercy of God in Christ!

Something incredible happens when a person receives Jesus as Lord. Once they forsake the world and follow Him, they are forever bound to the Lord with unbreakable cords of love. Consider Paul’s description of this deep, unknowable mercy:

Christ Our Risen Lord and Intercessor

David Wilkerson

"Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them" (Hebrews 7:25).

What does scripture mean when it says Jesus makes intercession for us? I believe this subject is so deep, majestic and beyond human understanding, I tremble even to address it. Biblical scholars hold various views on its meaning. But no book or commentary has satisfied my search. In fact, the more teaching I’ve read on the matter, the more confusing it all sounds.

He Was Strong in Faith

David Wilkerson

“[Abraham] did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully convinced that what He had promised  He was also able to perform” (Romans 4:20–21, my italics). By his faith, Abraham “gave glory to God.” And like Abraham, we give glory to God when we fully embrace His every promise.