David Wilkerson Devotions

Dethroned by Thorns

David Wilkerson

Growing numbers of Christians are no longer fully satisfied with Christ. The Lord is being dethroned by what He Himself called thorns — which He defined as the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, the lusts of other things entering into the heart. Christ said these are the thorns that choke the Word and cause it to become unfruitful (see Mark 4:7).

Is the Lord more on your mind today than a year ago? Do you spend more time in His presence today than a year ago? Is your passion for Him growing or withering?

Have You Been Wounded?

David Wilkerson

During my prayer time the Holy Spirit led me to Psalm 56. This word is meant for those who have been wounded — whether by family, friends, or the words and actions of the ungodly.

It is a word also for those who love the Lord yet who shed tears and carry burdens that seem to grow heavier by the day. Some believers wake up every morning under a cloud of fear and despair. Financial problems can crush and frighten. Others face serious health battles and insufferable pain. Some grieve over family members who are in deep trouble, perhaps in rebellion against the Lord.

True Refreshing

David Wilkerson

In Acts 3:19 Peter speaks of “times of refreshing” that would come from being in the Lord’s presence. I am convinced that even now, amid times of global turmoil, the Church is experiencing such a time of refreshing. It is an event in which Jesus is manifesting His presence worldwide.

Yes, there is much spiritual deadness and dryness in many churches. Multitudes of believers have compromised their walk with Jesus, while others have gone mad after worldly pleasures.

God Is Very Patient

David Wilkerson

I am deeply blessed by God’s message to His people in Psalms 37. I recommend that you read this Psalm before the day is over. It is one of the richest, most encouraging passages in God’s Word. No matter what you are going through, no matter how trying your situation, this Psalm will be a source of great strength and encouragement to you.

The Pouring Out of the Heart

David Wilkerson

The following word, given to me by the Holy Spirit, is for those who need an answer to prayer, who need help in time of trouble, and who are ready and willing to move God’s heart according to His Word.

Lay hold of the covenant promise in Psalm 46:1: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”


David Wilkerson

When Moses heard the voice of God come from the burning bush, he was surprised at what God asked him to do: “Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5). God tells every Christian today the same thing He told Moses: “There is only one ground upon which you can approach Me and that is holy ground. You can have no confidence in your flesh because no flesh will stand in My presence.”


David Wilkerson

I believe every episode or story in the Old Testament is full of truth for New Testament believers. Whenever I have difficulty understanding a New Testament truth, I turn back to its foreshadowing in the Old Testament. One such example concerns Moses at the burning bush. I believe this particular story is full of profound New Testament truth regarding holiness.

Alone on Mount Horeb, Moses was herding the sheep of his father-in-law when suddenly a strange sight caught his attention. A nearby bush was burning brightly — yet it was not consumed!


David Wilkerson

“Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time” (Revelation 12:12).

This passage from Revelation tells us that Satan has declared all-out war on God’s people. It also mentions that the devil has a deadline to complete his work: Because he knows that he has a short time.


David Wilkerson

Sincere Christians have asked me, “Whom do we believe? I have read the works of many ministers through the years who seemed convinced that the end was very near. Yet over and over they’ve missed it. I think some were just trying to sell their book while others truly thought God was telling them the end was upon us.”


David Wilkerson

Even though our organization employs many modern, high-tech methods, we do not receive our direction from these “ministry tools.” We spend time on our knees, seeking the Lord for direction in every area of ministry.  

Today, “experts” have taken over the reins of the church. Sin is viewed in psychological terms and is called a disease. Prophets of holiness have been replaced by psychologists and social workers spouting the latest jargon, and altars have been replaced by counseling rooms. Jesus is being dethroned and Freud is being exalted.