Pressed Beyond Measure
Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to be the helper for all who follow him, and he will not turn a deaf ear to our cries for help!
Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to be the helper for all who follow him, and he will not turn a deaf ear to our cries for help!
Nothing will move Christ’s followers if we are walking in loving, pleasing obedience to the Father.
If you are called to work for the Lord and are busy fulfilling that calling and trusting in Jesus, nothing can hinder that divine mission.
The blood of Christ brings victory and praise when we are willing to trust in the gift of our salvation.
Jesus, our Lord and High Priest, took his own blood to the true mercy seat for the remission of our sins. As believers in Christ, we are now reconciled with God forever.
Today, we are in a new covenant with Jesus Christ, a covenant sealed by his own blood. You are given free access to him with no sin condemning you.
Many believers are not able to really explain what Christ’s blood means to us. Through the blood of Jesus we are able to come to our heavenly father boldly and without fear!
Scripture clearly shows that it is pride and a haughty, immovable spirit that brings us down. A broken heart and a contrite spirit, however, captures the heart of the Lord.
No matter what we have been through or what we have done, God looks on our hearts. If a follower of Christ has a broken and contrite spirit, God will be there.
God knows that his children will always be dissatisfied with the world, even with his answers to our prayers. The Lord is what we long for; he is our blessing and reward.