The High Priest’s Blessing
Jesus is the great High Priest, and he covers in his blood, intercedes for us before the Father and comes forth to bless each one of us with the full authority of God.
Jesus is the great High Priest, and he covers in his blood, intercedes for us before the Father and comes forth to bless each one of us with the full authority of God.
God never blesses without drawing that person closer to himself. When we start blessing others in the midst of our trials, we will know that God’s hand of blessing is on us.
Has the blessing of Abraham fallen upon you yet? If we fully accept Christ’s righteousness by faith, then we are blessed along with faithful Abraham and David.
The Lord blessed the weak, the reviled, the persecuted, the downcast, those who are considered nothing in the eyes of others because his strength is glorified in our weaknesses.
Contrary to some beliefs, God prefers to bless rather than discipline His followers, with Jesus' life and teachings in the Bible exemplifying a mission to bestow blessings freely out of mercy and grace, not based on worthiness.
Aaron is a type of Christ in the Old Testament, and his work paints an incredible picture of God showing mercy through the prayers of the high priest.
The initial work of Jesus’s intercession was the sprinkling of his blood on every bond and debt we owed, then Jesus began to pray for us, interceding to the Father on our behalf.
Satan comes before the throne of grace to accuse us. That is when Jesus steps up and advocates for us, and the devil was forced to leave with a sound rebuke.
Incense in the Bible represents prayer, and the ever-burning incense on that altar in the Holy Place represents the prayers of Jesus while he was on earth.
Grace is given to believers through the prayers of the High Priest Jesus. He is touched by the feelings of our infirmities, and he acts in mercy.