

  • Many in This City - Week 10: Giving up Our Lives for the Gospel

    Gary Wilkerson

    Paul was pointing out to the Corinthians that as a body they had taken on the culture of their society. They were affluent and materialistic. Paul wasn't saying that the things they possessed were evil but that they had become self-consumed. Their own desires were their first pursuit. They were lacking a love for others and therefore lacking an impact on their city. Paul went on to describe his life and the life of a true disciple. It wasn't so much that he shunned the comforts of this world but that he was so focused on God's kingdom they weren't a thought in his mind. He has laid down his life for the Gospel and it was evident in the very way he lived his life. Paul was so confident in the single focus of his life that he told the church at Corinth to imitate the way he lived.

  • The World's Greatest Ministry

    William Carrol

    We are all in God's hands and therefore we are in one another's hands. It is important for the body of Christ to be sensitive to those around us who are in the battle of their life. God is calling us into a ministry of friendship where we can reach out to our brethren by intercepting the lies of the devil and remind them that God is in control and they are not alone. Are you available to reach out to those in need around you and are you open to receive the love and compassion of a friend in your time of need? Will you remind someone today that we are on the victory side and that God will provide everything we need?

  • Many in This City - Week 9: The Problem With Serving

    Gary Wilkerson

    The problem with serving is that we don't always want to do it. A true servant heart comes when we identify with the greatest servant of all, Jesus. We must understand the judgment seat of Christ. He is not out to punish us, but wants to commend us for our service here on Earth. When we have this understanding there is spiritual fruit that will be evident in our lives. A servant doesn't care about reputation. They care more about what God thinks of them than what others think. A servant does not become frozen with self-doubt and introspection. There is no pride in them and the world can see a difference in their life.

  • Finish The Race With Prayer

    Carter Conlon

    Prayer should be the very essence of our life. The Bible says that if we pray according to the Word of God we can have whatever we ask for. If we really believe that then why is it so hard for so many to pray? Many cannot pray because they always feel condemned. The Cross is the full expression of God's love for us. Because of Jesus Christ we are covered by His blood and invited to come boldly into His presence in our time of need. Don't let your own heart or the devil weigh you down and keep you out of the prayer closet. Whatever mountain is in your way you can pray it away. The prayer closet should be a profound place of fellowship. When our desires are lined up with the heart of God and we begin to pray the miraculous happens.

  • Many in This City - Week 8: Jesus the Destroyer

    Gary Wilkerson

    In Genesis, God's creation had become corrupt, so He had to destroy it. In the New Testament, what was meant for God's glory — the temple and the priests — had become nothing but dead religion, so it had to be destroyed. Jesus came to establish a new temple. We are God's dwelling place — His holy habitation. Scripture is very clear that the Lord will destroy that which destroys His temple. This doesn't mean that God is out to get us, rather he wants to cut off those things that corrupt what is holy. Jesus wants to “scrape off” all those things in our lives that defile His temple.

  • Bad Math

    Tim Dilena

    We all know that 2 + 2 does not equal 5. In God's math, a tough situation plus an open door does not always equal a means of escape. Sometimes God's purposes are fulfilled when we remain in hard circumstances. A "no" from God isn't necessarily rejection, but is often protection. Our Heavenly Father knows the plans He has for us. He sees the bigger picture. Humble yourself, pray and seek godly counsel before fleeing through the open door.

  • The Real Jesus Of The Last Days

    Carter Conlon

    In the last days there will be both calamities on earth and religious deception. This religious deception will be aimed at the professing church of Jesus Christ. Jesus said we must not be deceived by those who try to get us to run here and there to find Him. Jesus Christ is omnipresent and when His church sets their heart to be totally surrendered and completely given to Him then we have the promise of His presence with us always. We are invited to partake of the fullness of His redemption and also be involved in the fullness of His redemptive work. As we open our heart to His purposes, we are given His life and strength to run this race. This messages encourages us not to give up the race after we have come this far. Remember Christ will come suddenly and quickly for His bride. Hold fast He is coming soon!

  • Many in This City - Week 7: Pushing Boulders, Spinning Plates and Gold Leaf Temples

    Gary Wilkerson

    Much of the spiritual activity in our lives — the "God stuff" — often feels like pushing boulders uphill or spinning plates. We are doing so much work in our own strength while trying to also manage all the "other stuff" in life. This divided mentality is works-based, and it leaves us wearied, discouraged, and often feeling guilty. Jesus doesn't want us to live this way. He calls us to live in His grace, to live all moments as holy moments. He calls us to live in his 'Shalom', His peace. Christ makes the mountains low and straightens our path. We don't have to push uphill. We don't have to struggle with the wood, hay and stubble in our lives, trying to cover our flaws with gold leaf so that we look good to others. God does the transforming work, refining us so that we aren't just covered with a thin layer of gold, but are pure gold throughout.

  • The Temptation To Abandon The Cross

    Carter Conlon

    Sometimes the temptations we have to endure come at the time of our greatest usefulness to the Kingdom of God. When we come around that last bend as we run this race of truth we will find ourselves violently opposed in our mind and heart. It is in these wilderness places that we will be tempted to abandon the cross of Christ. This message is for those who are fearful of abandoning your life to the will of God. Satan knew that the mission of Jesus Christ was redemptive and he tried to overthrow Christ’s singular focus to do the will of His Father. We too will be tempted the same way. We are going into difficult days and the question is who will not abandon the call of God? God desires to give us an anointing that sets the captives free. Let your theological purpose be for other people and God will give you everything thing you need to lead others to Christ.

  • The Conviction and Comfort of the Holy Spirit

    William Carrol

    Usually when we think about conviction of sin we think that we have to experience it outside of the realm of comfort. Sometimes we think that until we deal with the sin we are being convicted of there is no comfort. We are reminded in this message that for the person who is open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit and is willing to grow in certain areas, God says until the process of maturity is completed you can enjoy His comfort. The issues that God is dealing with never challenge our place in His heart. We are invited to lean close to His heart and rest in His love until true change takes place. God cares about us so much that He humbled Himself on a cross so that He can help us change. True conviction comes in the context of comfort.