• Practicing the Presence of People

    Practicing the Presence of People

    Gary Wilkerson

    Distractions, worries, regrets from the past, fears of the future…all of these are road blocks to the kind of relationship God wants us to have with each other. Life becomes joyful when we allow the people we are with to become our priority.

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  • Conociendo al Espíritu Santo

    Conociendo al Espíritu Santo

    David Wilkerson

    Es possible conocer la doctrina acerca del Espíritu Santo y, sin embargo, no conocerlo a El de manera personal. Nosotros estamos empezando a conocer el Espíritu Santo cuando somos consumidos con Su verdad, y El toma Su lugar de ministerio en nosotros. El Espíritu Santo nos traerá a la revelación plena de quiénes somos en Cristo. Cuando podemos proclamar que somos hijos de Dios a través del “espíritu de adopción”, significa que El está obrando en nosotros. Dios ha enviado al Espíritu Santo para librar la batalla en contra del enemigo de nuestras almas y traernos a la victoria total. ¿Conoces al Espíritu Santo de sta manera?

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  • Practicando la Presencia de la Gente

    Practicando la Presencia de la Gente

    Gary Wilkerson

    Distracciones, preocupaciones, remordimientos del pasado, temores acerca del futuro... todas estas cosas son piedras en el camino hacia el tipo de relaciones que Dios quiere que tengamos los unos con los otros. La vida se vuelve llena de gozo cuando permitimos que la gente que está a nuestro alrededor se convierta en nuestra prioridad.

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  • Un eclipse de fe

    Un eclipse de fe

    David Wilkerson

    Un eclipse se produce cuando la Luna se interpone entre la Tierra y el Sol, y todo se oscurece. Si estamos caminando cerca de Jesús y somos hombres y mujeres de oración, buscando a Dios con todos nuestros corazones, nuestra fe va a tener un eclipse. El diablo quiere adormecer nuestras mentes con problemas y dificultades. El se quiere entrometer entre nuestro Dios y nuestra visión de su misericordia y fidelidad para bloquear el Sol. Si no reconocemos la mano del enemigo detrás de esta zarandeada, seremos derrotados. La manera de salir de este eclipse es CREER Y DESCANSAR en el AMOR que Dios tiene por nosotros. Dios va a permitir que tu fe sea probada para mostrarte cómo El se regocija sobre ti y cómo El ESTA DESCANSANDO en Su amor por ti.

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  • A Call for Prayer

    A Call for Prayer

    Ben Crandall

    This message is a call to break through the darkness through the POWER of PRAYER. In turbulent times like these, God does not want us to be shaken with fear and discouragement. Hard times will not take us under when we put our trust in Jesus. It's time to seek the Lord with all our heart and lay aside every weight so we can combat the darkness. Our source is God and He will reveal His greatness and pour out His Spirit on all flesh.

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  • Casting Out the Whispering Voice of Satan

    Casting Out the Whispering Voice of Satan

    Neil Rhodes

    The devil is after our faith so He can separate us from fellowship with Jesus. The devil's greatest tactic is to come to us in our times of darkness when we are flat on our face and whisper poisonous lies in our heart and mind. How do we shut the mouth of the devil when we are lying face down? First we must understand that we have a choice. It's time to stop being victims of our past and move forward in faith. Secondly, we must simply LOOK UP and cry out to Jesus and ask Him what would He have us do? God will be faithful to come with an answer to guide us through.

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  • Questions We Need to Know the Answers To

    Questions We Need to Know the Answers To

    Teresa Conlon

    This message asks three questions. Two are asked by humankind and the other God asks us. First, if God is with us why is there so much evil and atrocity? Secondly, can God prepare a table in the wilderness? How is it that so many of us find time to question God but we never take the time to listen long enough until He answers. God desires to settle every question in our heart and even more than that, He will reveal to us that HE IS THE ANSWER. If these questions have been running through your mind this message is for you. Lastly, God is asking us IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD? Allow this question to sift every area of your heart until His truth creates a pathway through your heart and mind into the miraculous provision of Jesus Christ!

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  • Taking the Cup and Calling on Jesus

    Taking the Cup and Calling on Jesus

    Carter Conlon

    God is calling us to drink the CUP of JESUS in its entirety. Many of us come to Christ and we want to drink from the cup of salvation, future authority, present power and healing but we don’t want to go the distance and drink the cup of suffering and affliction. If we are going to put the cup to our mouth we must come to the place where we cry like Jesus "NOT MY WILL BUT THINE BE DONE". This is a place where the only strength we have is to lift up the cup and call on the name of Jesus. In these times of darkness don't cast away your confidence in God because there is a great reward for those who drink this cup in faith and trust.

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  • Thy Kingdom Come

    Thy Kingdom Come

    Carter Conlon

    The kingdom of God is not an exterior kingdom, it is interior. The Kingdom of God is within us. Jesus said the Kingdom of God has nothing to do with outward show. It is a work that God is doing in us. It is Christ Himself coming into our heart to sit down and commune with us and bring us into the plan of God. The Kingdom is an interior work of God does in the heart. When the kingdom of God is set up in our heart we will put all our dreams at the feet of Jesus and be moved with compassion to leave our security until we finds the lost sheep and bring them home to the Father's House. Will you open up your heart to the cry of this generation? It starts with this cry: THY KINGDOM COME!

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  • An Eclipse of Faith

    An Eclipse of Faith

    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    A spiritual eclipse can bring dark times to our lives. If we are walking close to Jesus, seeking God with all our hearts, our faith will have an eclipse. The devil wants to numb our minds with problems and difficulties. He wants to come between our God and our vision of his mercy and faithfulness to block out the sun. If we don't recognize the hand of the enemy behind this sifting, we will be defeated. We must believe and rest in God's love.

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