The Witness of Truth
The Witness of Truth
It's one thing to tell people about God; it's another thing to be a living witness of His truth. Truth is an effective witness when our speech and actions are one. Truth has a confidence in God that believes He is in control and He works all circumstances for our good. When Truth stands before the unsaved and God begins to reveal Himself through our lives, the truth that is in us will force a man to search his heart. The man or woman that is a witness to truth shows a dying world that there is a Living God that bears witness to Himself through our lives.
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Religious Murder
Religious Murder
The moment we do not do the very things that the Lord speaks to us, something apart from the spirit of God will begin to form in our heart and cause us to stray from the word of God. Partial repentance says we are sorry for our sins but we will not experience change or conversion. God will be faithful to send a spirit filled person to lead us back in the right direction. Will you resist this person or will you allow the Light of God's Word to expose your darkness? True repentance brings us to a place of powerlessness so that the Holy Spirit can come and supernaturally move us forward.
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Agreeing to Tempt the Spirit of the Lord
Agreeing to Tempt the Spirit of the Lord
What is the lesson we can learn from Ananias and Saphira? How could they think they could get the Holy Spirit to be a partaker of their lie? The enemy will bring a deception into our heart that says we can live in sin and hypocrisy because God does not mean what He says. We will stand before a Holy God and everything that is dark will be brought into the light of Christ. Jesus Christ has made every provision for us to live a life of purity. God wants to bury our sin and old nature so that we may live in the fear of God. We can choose to bury our sins today or our sins will bury us tomorrow. It is time to get real with God!
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You Will Not Spin Out of Control
You Will Not Spin Out of Control
In the spirit, there are gravitational pulls with increased troubles that can cause our life to spin out of control. Just as the tides of life are high one day and low the next we can be sure that God is in complete control. In the seasons of low tides we can cry out to God and the life force of the Holy Spirit will cause us to be drawn to Jesus and ground us in His love and faithfulness. Jesus Christ is more powerful that any force of darkness or evil that works against our heart and mind. It is the power of Jesus that will keep us from spinning out of control!
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كثيرون سيدخلون الملكوت
كثيرون سيدخلون الملكوت
من سيخاٌص فى الايام الاخيرة ؟ و هل سيكون لفئة معينة او لطائفة معينة أم ستفاجئنا قوة المسيح المحولة و المغيرة لجموع غفيرة .
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العـيش بدون خوف
العـيش بدون خوف
تبدا المحبة الكاملة بان نحب بعضنا بعضا . فاننا لن ندرك كيف نستطيع ان نحيا حياة بلا خوف إن كنا نحمل الضغينة فى قلوبنا او الرغبة فى الانتقام او فى الانعزال عن بعض الاشخاص و غالبا ما يكونون من اعضاء جسد المسيح.
يجب علينا ان ننتزع من قلوبنا كل الضغائن و ان نغفر كل إساءات و جروح الماضى فالمحبة الكاملة لا تتوقف عند تكريس حياتنا لله و إنما تمتد إلى ادراك عميق لمحبته لنا و امجاد صليبه
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Dry Spells
Dry Spells
Dry spells always follow mountain top experiences or times when we have been blessed by God. The Lord teaches us things about His nature by the trials we endure here on earth. If you are on dry ground you are on your way to a great miracle. Dry ground is a pathway to the Promised Land. It's on dry ground that the enemy is defeated and the wheels of pharaohs' chariots fall off. Dry ground is where Jesus reveals Himself to us. God has promised that out of dry places NEW LIFE will spring up.
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سلام متزايد
سلام متزايد
نرى فى هذه الايام تصاعد العنف و الانتقام ويكشف لنا الكتاب المقدس من خلال قصة شمشون حقائق هامة فى حياتنا المعاصرة . إن دعوتنا كمؤمنين هى أن نسلك فى طريق السلام
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