

Stories from the Field

  • Praying for a Home

    Steve Otradovec

    How often are we willing to trust God to provide for major things in our lives? This is just what one man in Cambodia did while holding on to a seemingly impossible dream.

    How big are your prayers?

  • The Fight for Peace

    World Challenge Staff

    God is moving in tremendous ways in Central Asia, but new believers are finding themselves at odds with the younger generation.

    One of the challenges our partners face in parts of Kyrgyzstan is the growth of Islam, especially among the younger generation. In some areas, teens and young adults are expected to recite parts of the Quran before they’re allowed into one popular fast-food restaurant.

  • Good Life Companies Give Back

    Nancy Lennert

    World Challenge’s partners in the United States are joining together with local companies to bless their communities. 

    During the early part of the COVID pandemic, the CEO of Good Life Companies approached World Challenge’s partners in Reading, Pennsylvania with a heart to give back to the community.

  • Small Solutions with Big Impact

    Steve Otradovec

    World Challenge’s partners in the Philippines are finding innovative ways to help people in the church survive the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. 

    Last year, the Covid epidemic hit Southeast Asia with a vengeance, their economies in particular. Part of this is because many people in this region rely on the tourism industry for their livelihood.

  • The Prayers of the Righteous

    Richard Grangaard

    Several believers came together to humbly pray and study scripture, and God responded in powerful and awe-inspiring ways.

    Six months ago, World Challenge taught our Mongolian partner the simple Discovery Bible Study (DBS) method through Zoom trainings. This type of Bible study helps people memorize passages of scripture, discuss what the verses mean and apply them practically.

  • Christ’s Love in the Middle East

    Rachel Chimits

    A young man in Turkey shares how he went from a faithful Muslim to a Christian along with his entire family.

    World Challenge supports church leaders in the Middle East, several of whom work with refugees from Syria. Around 600 of these Muslims have come to Christ and are now founding house churches throughout Turkey and Greece. One young man shared about his journey to Christ with us.