The Accuser
Throughout Scripture, Satan is referred to as the accuser. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson reminds us that no believer has to be subject to the lies that Satan tells. Through Christ, we have authority over every accusation.
Throughout Scripture, Satan is referred to as the accuser. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson reminds us that no believer has to be subject to the lies that Satan tells. Through Christ, we have authority over every accusation.
In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson asks a simple question: Are you willing to stand up and fight? Whether we recognize it or not, there is a battle raging between good and evil. God calls and equips all of his people in different ways.
One thing we know about life is that difficult times will come. Thankfully, there is hope. We know that God will be victorious in the end. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson looks at what a battle mentality should mean for Christians.
From every biblical account, we can see that Jesus was not the average funeral guest. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson explains three lessons the church can learn from the time, as recorded in the book of Luke, when Jesus attended a funeral.
There are times when God works powerfully through gradual processes, bringing healing and restoration over a period of time. There are also cases when God chooses to work instantaneously. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson looks at God’s power to heal and restore.
The New Testament describes moments where there was powerful, immediate change through the power of the Holy Spirit. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson talks about what this kind of transformation looks like today.
There's no space to be fearful when it comes to preaching God's Word. In this weekly devotion series, Gary Wilkerson offers quick encouragements in 86 Seconds--1/1000th of your day. This week, he encourages Christians to be bold in sharing God's Word.
Scripture specifically warns Christians against grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson breaks down what each of these terms means and examines how Christians can lear to listen to the Holy Spirit.
Anyone can experience times when they feel distant from Christ. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson explains how God can restore our passion for sharing the gospel.
It is very easy to overlook the people we pass by every day in restaurants, grocery stores, check-out lines and waiting rooms. In God’s view, every one of those people is important. In this short devotional, Gary Wilkerson talks about what it looks like to show the love of Christ to all the people in our lives.