He Is Eager to Help Us
God is waiting for your heartbroken cry uttered in childlike faith. He is an attentive parent who is ready to hear from us and will answer our cries.
God is waiting for your heartbroken cry uttered in childlike faith. He is an attentive parent who is ready to hear from us and will answer our cries.
No matter what you are going through, no matter how you feel, the Lord feels the very feelings of your infirmities. He knows every move you make and has compassion for you.
The Lord has brought us into our Promised Land in Christ! Jesus is to us an abiding place where there is never any lack. God will always provide what we need.
Believers may go through trials and sufferings. You may be far from what you wish to be in the Lord. However, you can know that you are a delight to your heavenly Father.
Our child-like access to God came only after Jesus was crucified, died and was resurrected. We can now meet with God, and he longs to commune with us.
Christ desires that we wholly commit to him and allow him into our lives. When he enters, he brings food and bread that is himself. When you feed on him, you will be satisfied.
Lay hold of the truth about God’s love for you, and it will open your eyes and help you enter a whole new realm of joy and peace in your daily walk with him.
Believers almost all want to hear the voice of God, but we want to hear it giving us comfortable news. However, God may call us to hard tasks for his glory. Are we willing to hear that?
Many of God’s people today are hiding and afraid to hear God speak! If you truly want to hear God’s voice, though, you must be ready to have your soul purged and cleansed.
The Bible gives us so many glorious descriptions of God and who he is as our heavenly Father who loves each of his children deeply.