Impossible? Never. - Would You Let Jesus Be Your Financial Advisor?
Impossible? Never. - Would You Let Jesus Be Your Financial Advisor?
[Nehemiah 5] Nearly a quarter of Jesus’ teachings were on money, finance, and stewardship; yet as Christians we tend to shy away from the subject. Nehemiah 5 reflects the times we are living in — many losing jobs, pay cuts, mortgaging property just to get money to eat, and people so upside down that they can’t do anything to get out of it. Hard times often bring about fear and anxiety, but the Bible tells us not to worry or be anxious. God will provide. He will not forsake you. Like Nehemiah, we should examine our own lives and how we are spending our money. Rather than selfish pursuits, we should learn to moderate our lifestyle and live more simply. Make it a goal to gradually give more and more of your income to kingdom work until you’re giving God the bigger half. After all, it’s all His anyways.
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