Knowing the Lord’s Mind and Will
Believers must prepare our heart to meet God and know his will! We should become ready servants, equipped for his final outpouring, and his glory will come alive in each one of us.
Believers must prepare our heart to meet God and know his will! We should become ready servants, equipped for his final outpouring, and his glory will come alive in each one of us.
This small army of faith will emerge from the secret closet of prayer with no other desire than to do God’s will. They will be fearless and powerful in prayer.
Supernatural events took place in the New Testament church without perversions, showmanship or any person claiming the credit. The modern church should be the same.
The Lord is preparing a humble yet powerful army of shepherds and a church of hungry sheep who have turned away from the deadness of the modern church.
From the moment that believers focus on building up Christ’s body and set aside all thoughts of measuring up, we will begin to see God’s manifold blessing.
If as believers, we begin to neglect our souls and turn to material things, we will end up joyless and dissatisfied. If we put God’s interests first, he will again bless and favor us.
The bride of Christ rests in his love. She is confident he knows where she is, how she feels, what she is going through, and what is best for her.
If you do not have quality time with Jesus every day in prayer or reading his word, you don’t truly love him, and you are breaking his heart.
We are reborn and living for God with a spirit of gladness and rejoicing. Trust the Father, believe his Word about himself, and see his gladness pour forth from your life.
God is going to accomplish his purposes for you, no matter what you are going through or how severe your trial. You are his beloved child, and he has planned your future.