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Pulpit Series Newsletter


Na o si najskr spomenie, ke pouje slovo nsilie? Zrejme si pomysl na kared veci, ktor pouje v sprvach alebo vid v novinch: Mysl na preni za ni zastrelench motoristov na kalifornskch a floridskch cestch, ktor padli za obe skrytm ostrelovaom? Mono mysl na nevinnch ud, ktor u nesedvaj blzko okien, aby

Skazen kresania!

Cirkev Jeia Krista m skreslen pohad na to, o je skazenos. Nie je mnoho tch, ktor rozumej Boej defincii skazenosti a ete menej tch, ktor by si priznali, e i oni s vinn! Ke si predstavujeme skazench ud, vinou tm myslme zlch hrienikov. Poda naej teolgie skazenos zahruje pouvanie drog a alkoholu

Osdlo je zlomen tek

Poehnan Hospodin , ktor ns nedal za koris ich zubom. Naa dua unikla jako vta Z osdla lovcov. Osdlo sa potrhalo, a my sme unikli. Naa pomoc je v mene Hospodinovom, ktor uinil nebesia i zem. (alm 124:6-8) V alme 124 tame o lovcoch a ich osdlach. Urite ste u pouli o lovcoch. Boli to profesionlni lapai

Komu verme?

Jeden primn kresan mi nedvno poloil v liste nasledujcu otzku: "Komu verme? Roky som tal prce mnohch sluobnkov, ktor boli presveden, e koniec je blzko. Avak znovu a znovu sa mlili. Teraz si uvedomujem, e niektor sa snaia len preda knihu. Ale in si primne mysleli, e im Boh povedal, e koniec bude v

Chodenie v sláve

Verím, že je len jediná vec, ktorá nás môže zachovať, aby sme obstáli v nastávajúcich ťažkých dňoch a je ňou poznanie Božej slávy. Teraz vám to možno znie ako vznešený, nadnesený pojem, ktorý treba radšej ponechať teológom. Som však presvedčený, že predmet Božej slávy má veľmi reálnu, praktickú

Vydaný smrti!

V deň Letníc apoštol Peter oznámil zástupom v Jeruzaleme, "Ježiša Nazaretského...toho určenou radou a predzvedením Božím vydaného ste vzali a rukou bezbožných pripli na kríž a zavraždili" (Sk. 2:22-23). Čo Peter mienil týmito slovami? Jeden grécky slovník prekladá jeho slová takto: "Ježiš bol vydaný

Pokúšanie Pána

"Lebo nechcem, aby ste nevedeli, bratia, že všetci naši otcovia boli pod oblakom a všetci prešli cez more a všetci boli pokrstení v Mojžiša v oblaku a v mori a všetci jedli ten istý duchovný pokrm a všetci pili ten istý duchovný nápoj, lebo pili z duchovnej skaly, ktorá išla za nimi a tou skalou bol

Diablov posledný termín!

“Beda tým, ktorí bývajú na zemi a na mori, lebo zostúpil k vám diabol, ktorý má veľký hnev, lebo vie, že má krátky čas.” (Zjavenie svätého Jána 12,12) Ako učeníci Ježiša Krista majme sa neustále napozore pred úmyslami Satana, ktorý sa snaží zničiť nás. Preto Pavel hovorí, že musíme spoznať stratégiu

Poznanie Ducha Svätého

V našej cirkvi Times Square Church spievame a pritom tlieskame túto pieseň: Zošli ho, Pane, zošli ho k nám, Pane, nech Tvoj Duch zostúpi! Potrebujeme ho, Pane, zošli svojho Ducha. Spievame aj iné, podobné piesne, ktorými vzývame Svätého Ducha, aby zostúpil. Ale pravdou je, že Svätý Duch je už tu

Čas plakať a čas bojovať

Ako tak listujem stránkami Starej zmluvy, som povzbudený príkladom kráľa Dávida. Dopadla naňho desivá pohroma, ktorá spôsobila, že i jeho nabližší ohrozovali jeho vlastný život. Obdivujem Dávidovo rozhodnutie počuť slovo od Boha uprostred tohto nebezpečného času. Tu je príbeh: Dávid a jeho skupina

Čo znamená žiť vierou

„Ajhľa, nadutý nemá v duši pokoj, ale spravodlivý zo svojej viery bude žiť!“ (Ab 2:4; autorova kurzíva). Frázu, ktorú tu chcem zdôrazniť, poznajú kresťania po celom svete. Po stáročia „žitie vierou“ motivovalo každodenné rozhodnutia veriacich v každej generácii. Toto Abakukovo proroctvo je prvou

Slová potešenia a nádeje

Keď Ježiš slúžil veľkému zástupu, začali byť ľudia v tomto zástupe hladní. A tak zobral svojho učeníka Filipa bokom a položil mu dôležitú otázku: „Kde nakúpime chleba, aby sa títo najedli? Ale to povedal len preto, aby ho skúšal; lebo sám vedel, čo urobí“ (Jn 6:5-6 SEP). Ježiš Filipovi povedal

Boh nikdy neopustí svoj ľud

For the Lord loves justice, and does not forsake his godly ones; they are preserved forever; but the descendants of the wicked will be cut off” (Psalm 37:28). In Luke 22, Jesus delivered a serious warning to perhaps his most devoted follower. Christ called the apostle Peter aside and told him the

Zotrvávaj v Božej láske

„Ale vy, milovaní, budujte sami seba na svojej presvätej viere a modlite sa v Duchu Svätom. Zachovajte sa v Božej láske a očakávajte milosrdenstvo nášho Pána Ježiša Krista pre večný život“ (Júd 20 – 21). Ako tak čítam tieto verše Júdovho listu, vnímam, ako mi Duch jemne šepká: „David, chcem, aby si

David Wilkerson Newsletters

The Bountiful Servant

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work…. Now may he who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your

Fulfilling Your Destiny

“In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:11-12, NKJV, my emphasis). We have been predestined to a

God Is Faithful, Even When We Are Not

I know all about the restraining hand of the Lord. He allows his children to go only so far but no further. In my early days of ministry, he restrained me when I was ready to quit during times of awful discouragement. At times, I felt overwhelmed by all the financial responsibilities. I felt like a failure as a husband and father as well. I would get so low about my overwhelming obligations that I thought my faith would shatter completely.

The Power of the Hidden Man

After Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, his listeners sat in awe. Scripture says, “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (Matthew 7:28-29, NKJV). The Greek word for authority in this verse means “with mastery, power, liberty; as one in control.” Jesus’ listeners were saying, in essence, “This man knows what he’s talking about.”

Don’t Lose Heart

His answer to your prayer is coming. Our ministry receives letters from many Christians who have somehow lost heart. These are followers of Christ who have truly been saved. They’ve tasted the mercy and goodness of the Lord and experienced joy, peace, hope and gladness of heart. Then something

Jesus Christ, the Only Way Out

In all our trials, we are to cling to the Savior. When Jesus said, “I am the way” (John 14:6, NKJV), he issued a powerful proclamation to his church. Tragically, we have not fully understood the power behind his words here. I believe if the church today truly grasped the simple statement that Jesus

Aggressive Kindness

The Holy Ministry of Reconciliation Most Christians I know are kind, loving, considerate, caring and helpful. I believe very few in the church think of themselves as unkind. I don’t think you can be a true Christian and be unkind. When we think of kind people, our image is of quiet, soft-spoken men

Disappointments Can Be Dangerous

Clinging to God’s Name in Our Anguish Every child of God suffers disappointments. At times we can feel totally defeated, despairing and dead inside because all our hopes, dreams and visions have gone wrong. We may hope for something, seeking God for it and waiting for it expectantly, but we never

The Nearness of God

He is never closer than in our trials I want to share with you two verses from Helen Spurrell’s translation of the original Hebrew text: “When designing pursuers approached me, who are far from thy law; then thou, O Jehovah, wast near, with all thy faithful commandments” (Psalm 119:150-151)

Who Told You You're Unworthy?

Listening to the Cross Instead of the Accuser Who told you that you’re unworthy, no good, useless, unusable to God? Who keeps reminding you that you’re weak, helpless, a total failure? Who told you that you’ll never measure up to God’s standard? We all know where this voice comes from. It’s the

Don’t Waste Your Afflictions

Know that He is Completing a Good Work in You “But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel” (Philippians 1:12, NKJV). In this verse, Paul tells the Christians in Philippi not to worry about all the things they’d

The Redemptive Judgments of God

In Jeremiah 32, the prophet describes a dire scene. Jerusalem was surrounded by Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldean army. Outside the city, the enemy was building large mounts to send their troops over the walls. Any Israelite who looked down on this scene was surely filled with a sense of doom

Confessing Christ

"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 10:32-33). What does it mean to confess or deny Christ before men? The Greek word

Boldness to Enter God's Presence

“Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil…let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith” (Hebrews 10:19–20, 22). There are two sides to Christ’s work at Calvary

Newsletter & Daily Devotional

What You Will Receive:

When you sign up to receive our daily devotional or email newsletter, you can expect to receive regular encouragement in your walk with Christ. The devotions are curated from the writings of David Wilkerson, Gary Wilkerson, Carter Conlon and several other respected church leaders.

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