

Doubting God’s Assurance

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

“He sent a man before them – Joseph – who was sold as a slave” (Psalm 105:17,19, NKJV). Joseph was tested in many ways, but his greatest trial was the word he had received.

Consider all Joseph had endured. At seventeen, he was stripped and thrown into a pit to starve. His coldhearted brothers laughed at his pleas for mercy and sold him to Ishmaelite traders who took him to Egypt and sold him as a slave.

Yet Joseph's greatest trial wasn't his rejection by his brothers or slavery or prison. What confused and tried Joseph’s spirit was the clear word he had heard from God.

God had told Joseph through dreams that he would be given great authority. His brothers would bow before him, and he would be a deliverer of many people.

None of this was an ego trip for Joseph. His heart was so set on God that this word gave him a humble sense of destiny: “Lord, you have put your hand on me to have a part in your eternal plan.” Joseph was blessed just by knowing he would play an important role in fulfilling God’s will, but his circumstances were the opposite of what God had told him. He was a servant! How could he believe that he would one day deliver multitudes when he was a slave himself? He must have thought, “This doesn't make sense. How could God be ordering my steps into prison, into oblivion?”

For ten years, Joseph faithfully served in Potiphar's house, but he was misjudged and lied about. His victory over temptation with Potiphar's wife only landed him in jail. During such times surely he questioned, “Did I hear correctly? Did my pride invent these dreams? Could my brothers have been right? Maybe these things are happening to me as discipline for some selfish desire.”

There have been times when God has shown me things he wanted for me—ministry, service, usefulness—yet every circumstance was the opposite of that word. At such times, I thought, “Lord, this can't be you speaking; it must be my flesh.” His words were a test of my trust in him, but now I can look back and see that he fulfilled them all.

Friend, don’t be anxious when you feel doubtful of God’s promises. You can be assured that he will accomplish each one in his way and in his time!

Every Word and Promise Was Fulfilled

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Joseph was in one of his darkest hours; he was lonely, downcast, about to give up his dreams and questioning his place in God. Suddenly, the call came from one of the king's guards, “Joseph! Get cleaned up. Pharaoh is calling for you!”

In that moment, I believe the Spirit of God came mightily upon Joseph, and his heart leapt with excitement. He was about to understand what it was all about. As Joseph shaved and trimmed his hair, he probably thought, “This is the beginning of what God promised me. Now I know I heard from him. The devil has not been in control, and my life hasn't been wasted. God has been directing everything the entire time.”

In a matter of minutes, Joseph was standing before Pharaoh listening to his dream. Joseph gave the interpretation of the coming famine and told Pharaoh he had to gather and store the nation's grain. “Someone must be in charge of the storehouses. You have to find a man who is full of wisdom to oversee it all” (see Genesis 41).

Pharaoh looked around and then turned toward Joseph. “You! I appoint you second ruler. Only I will have more power in the kingdom than you. You will oversee it all.”

How quickly things had changed! The day came when Joseph stood before his brothers and was able to say, “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive” (Genesis 50:20, NKJV), and later he stated, “God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and he has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout Egypt” (Genesis 45:7-8).

Dear friend, very soon you're going to understand your present fiery trials. God is going to bring you into the promise he gave you, and suddenly it's all going to make sense. You'll see that he has never forsaken you. He has been training you, preparing you, teaching you to trust him for everything. He has planned a time for you to be used, and that time is just ahead.

Joseph and God’s Favor

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Does our heavenly Father favor certain individuals among his children? Doesn’t the Bible say God is no respecter of persons? When it comes to salvation and his wonderful promises, God treats us all alike, but he also puts his special favor on those who respond wholeheartedly to his calling and yield their lives to him entirely!

Job said, “You have granted me life and favor, and your care has preserved my spirit” (Job 10:12, NKJV). David said, “For you, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor you will surround him as with a shield” (Psalm 5:12).

Our heavenly Father puts a special garment on those who completely give him their hearts: “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with jewels” (Isaiah 61:10).

Joseph responded to the Spirit's call, surrendering all, and as a favor from his father he received a robe that set him apart. However, that favor of his father cost Joseph relationships and brought him rejection, misunderstanding and mockery: “All his brothers…hated him” (Genesis 37:4).

Why did Joseph's brothers turn on him? The key is in verse 11: “And his brothers envied him.” When they saw the robe Joseph wore, they knew it spoke of favor and righteousness. They hated it because it reminded them of the Spirit's call they had rejected. Joseph was a reproach to their halfhearted lifestyle.

You see, Joseph's brothers indulged in petty talk and self-centered living. Their hearts were occupied with lands, possessions, the future, but Joseph's was elsewhere. He spoke of the things of God, of supernatural dealings. God had given him dreams, which in that day was synonymous with hearing the voice of God.

Lukewarm believers around you will want to talk about their cars, houses and jobs, but you'd rather talk about eternal things, about what God is saying to you. Soon you'll become a reproach to their half-heartedness. They will envy you because you represent the call of the Holy Spirit they are tuning out. Yes, Joseph was of a different cloth, and that difference made him hated and envied among his brothers. Beloved, the same will happen to you if you are sold out to Jesus!

God Is Doing a New Thing

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

How often have you heard Christians say, “God is doing a new thing in his church”? The “new thing” may be called a revival, an outpouring, a visitation or a move of God.

Yet very often this “new thing” dies out quickly and disappears. In this way, it proves not to be a move of God at all. In fact, Christian sociologists have tracked many of these visitations and discovered the average life span of such an event is about five years.

I believe God truly is doing a new thing in his church today, but this great work of the Spirit can’t be found in just one location. It’s happening worldwide and characterized by a cleansing. God will not begin a new thing in his church until he does away with the old. This proven biblical principle is found in both Testaments and governs any true move of God. As Jesus put it, he won’t put new wine into old wineskins (see Mark 2:22).

The principle of doing away with the old and raising up the new was first introduced in the Old Testament at Shiloh. During the time of the judges, God established a holy work in that city (see Judges 18:31). Shiloh, where the Lord’s sanctuary stood, was the center of all religious activity in Israel. The name Shiloh means “that which is the Lord’s.” This speaks of things that represent God and reveal his nature and character. God spoke to his people at Shiloh; it was there that Samuel heard God’s voice and where the Lord revealed his will to him (see 1 Samuel 1).

The Lord stopped speaking at Shiloh because the priest had become lazy and sensual, and the city had become corrupt. God told Samuel, in essence, “Shiloh has become so defiled it no longer represents who I am. This house is no longer mine; I’m finished with it.” God lifted his presence from the sanctuary and wrote “Ichabod” above the door, which means, “The glory of the Lord has departed.”

God completely did away with the old but once again, he raised up a new thing. After that, the temple in Jerusalem became known as “the Lord’s house,” and God spoke to his people there.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV).

Hungry to Be Holy

Gary Wilkerson

In the mid-1800s, a pastor named Robert Murray McCheyne brought a great awakening to his church in Dundee, Scotland. Although he died at the age of 29, this brilliant young man made an indelible mark on the world in his short lifetime.  One of my favorite quotes of his is “The greatest need of my people is my own holiness.”

We have an overabundance of eloquent preachers, charismatic personalities and high-profile leaders. What we don’t have enough of are holy men and women of God. People need to see more than ministry skill from their leaders. They need to see a godly heart, and a pastor cannot take his congregation into the depths of Christ any further than he has gone first himself.

What is the fruit of a church that has astonishing programs, brilliant leadership, gripping presentations and a beautiful building but has no vision at its core to be a holy people? How can it be effective if its leader does not desire to bow in brokenness and recognize how estranged he and his congregation are from a holy and awesome God?

Our churches are full of frivolity, and we know it, but it is not changing. This is because leaders tolerate it rather than grieve over it, and the church is simply a reflection of what is in the pastor’s heart. Paul said, “For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers” (see 1 Corinthians 4:15, ESV).  Today he might say, “You have many church experts but few holy men.”

McCheyne’s words are more necessary today than when he first spoke them to a compromised, liberal, nominalist church in Scotland. His example legitimized his words and gave power to his message. His ministry flowed from a life of dedication and purity.

Are you hungry to be a holy man or woman of God? There is only one way to see this happen. It is to lay down human efforts to be righteous and to be fully cloaked with the garments of Christ. This holiness is far more than self-willed negating of sin; it is an absolute surrender to Christ who releases a great and glorious passion for holiness. I don’t want to spend my life trying to wrestle with my old, impure man. I want to see Christ form in me the fullness of the new man he has created.