

  • Hope — The Expectation of Something Good

    We hear a lot about hope — from politicians, from numerous books, from tapes and other media. But what is offered in each of these messages doesn’t seem to last.

    We may get fired up and encouraged by what we hear in such messages. Indeed, we may find ourselves refreshed and hopeful for a season. But what is offered isn’t a fixed, experienced hope, and soon it fades away.

    The whole world yearns for a steadfast hope. The inner cry of multitudes around the globe right now is, “Somebody, somewhere, please, give me some hope, something that will last.”

  • God Has Not Passed You By

    I want to take you back to one of the darkest days in Israel’s history. On this particular day, a widow stood before three caskets, surrounded by wailing crowds. In that mourning crowd were hundreds of other weeping widows, as well as scores of wounded soldiers, some with their wounds still bleeding.

  • Are You Growing in Grace?

    One question has been at the forefront of my mind in recent weeks. I believe it's a question every sincere believer must ask himself continually: Am I growing in grace?

    To me, grace is Holy Ghost empowerment to become more like Jesus. Therefore, to grow in grace means to increase in Christ-likeness through the unmerited power of God's Spirit. Now let's rephrase my question in these terms: "Am I relying on the Holy Spirit to make me more like Jesus - in my home, my ministry, my relationships?"

  • How Are We Going To Make It?

    Multitudes of Christians get up each morning only to face indescribable problems - physical pain, emotional suffering, financial struggles. Many are so barraged by trouble after trouble, they worry, "This is all too much for me to handle. My problems are about to defeat me! I don't have the strength to fight these things anymore. How will I ever make it?"

    Our ministry has received many letters from saints who endure extremely difficult circumstances daily. Recently, my wife and I spent a day reading through some of these letters:

  • Are You a Merciful Christian?

    "But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

    "Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven" (Luke 6:35-37).

  • God's Hidden Last Days Army

    There is something very powerful and awesome going on in the world today! God is at work doing something hidden and quiet — and it is so supernatural, it's beyond human comprehension. Yet what He is doing right now is going to affect the whole world in these last days.

    God is preparing a small but powerful army of Christians! This army is going to be the most dedicated on the face of the earth. And the Lord will come forth to command them to do exploits and shake hell. He is going to close out the ages with a pure, devoted, fearless remnant!