

  • Roving Eyes

    I don't have a television or a VCR, and by God's grace I have been kept from all forms of pornography. But consider the Christians who have TV — and cable as well. It's after 10 p.m., the kids are in bed, and they sit and watch an R- or X-rated movie. Right before their eyes they see adults fornicating and performing every evil thing from hell. Both spirit and body get caught up in it. Or, there might be this scenario: You are away from home and nobody knows you. You are feeling alone and a curious urge comes over you.

  • Taking Hold of Christ

    I am convinced that many who call themselves Christians are not going to endure to the end. It has been proclaimed that the love of many will grow cold and die because of explosive wickedness. Others will turn away from the truth and run after false teachers and prophets who will cater to their selfish lusts and deceive them. There will be those seduced by doctrines of demons who will become spiritually blind and end up given over to reprobate minds.

  • A Cry Against Wicked Youth

    "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me" (Jonah 1:2).

    "Behold the day cometh that shall burn as a oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be as stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch" (Malachi 4:1).

    "The whole world lieth in wickedness" (1 John 5:19).

  • The Redeemer Is Coming to Zion

    I bring you a prophetic word from the Lord. The Redeemer of Zion is about to appear in His glory, in our day, in His church!

    "And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord..." (Isaiah 59:20).

    The vision of Isaiah the prophet is about to be fulfilled. God is about to move with vengeance toward all who have twisted the truth, and all who have turned to covetousness. Isaiah spoke to the conditions in the church of the last days:

  • Walking in Divine Authority

    There’s a lot of teaching in the church today about how God’s power is released in our lives. What they’re really talking about is divine authority. Whenever this subject comes up, I think of Elijah. His life illustrates the divine authority God wants to endow us with, especially for times like these.

  • Drawing Nigh unto the Lord

    In the Old Testament, high feast days in Jerusalem were an incredible event. Three times a year, Israelites from across the land journeyed to the temple in Zion to take part in the feast days. It was the most religious thing the people could do. The priests likened it to “coming near to the face of God,” or “drawing nigh to the Lord.”

  • The Future

    The main question on the lips of multitudes worldwide is, “What is going on? There is fear and panic everywhere. Economies are being shaken all over the globe. What will our future look like?”

    As followers of Jesus, we know the only reliable answers are in God’s Word. The world’s experts — economists, government leaders, academics — all admit they are confused. Nobody can tell us why bubbles are bursting or how we went from a booming economy to sudden crashes.

  • The Greatness of Our God

    Our ministry has a devotional website that receives messages from Christians all over the world. Right now believers in various nations are writing the same thing: Fear is taking hold.

    As prophesied in Scripture, God is shaking everything that can be shaken. It's hard to fathom all the upheaval taking place in the world at present. Consider the many fronts where nations are in turmoil: