

  • The River is Rising

    The prophet Ezekiel received a vision of a tiny stream trickling out of the Temple in Jerusalem.  This trickle of water began at the throne and flowed past the altar, through the Temple court, under the east gate of the city, and finally into the desert.  As the water flowed, it intensified, growing deeper, wider, and swifter.

  • Governed by the Word of God

    Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

    Isaiah is speaking of a Savior, a wonderful Prince of Peace coming to rule over a kingdom. This kingdom would be made up of a people wholly submitted to the Prince’s supreme authority. And the Prince himself would provide loving counsel to those he ruled over, guiding and directing their lives.

  • The Making of a Man of God

    I want to talk to you about three men whom God used mightily — and how he used failure to produce godliness in them.

    Today we hear so much talk about success and how people obtain it. Success in biblical terms is vastly different. As we consider those whom God used to stir their generations, we discover that the elements he used to shape them were torment, pain, sorrow and failure.

  • Steadfast and Confident to the End

    “Christ…a son over his own house; whose house we are, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. Wherefore as the Holy Ghost said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness: when your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years….

  • His Eye Is on the Sparrow

    The whole world is trembling right now over the outbreak of terror and calamities happening throughout the earth. Every day we wake up to learn of another disaster. Some observers say we’re witnessing the beginnings of World War III.

    First, terrorists blew up trains in Spain, and then masses died in train explosions in India. In Pakistan, a disastrous earthquake devastated entire towns, leaving thousands homeless, hungry and hurting. Multitudes in the Far East are still suffering in the aftermath of the tsunami.

  • Holy Spirit, Come Back to Your Church

    When God birthed his church, he poured out his Holy Spirit on it. He baptized it in the Holy Spirit, filled it with the Spirit, and anointed it with the Spirit. And wherever the Spirit of God is present, there are clear proofs or evidences. Yet if these evidences aren’t seen, then the Holy Spirit isn’t present.

    My question is, does the modern-day church show forth these evidences? Does your church? Is it moving in the power of the Holy Spirit? Moreover, does your life show these evidences? Are you living and walking in the fullness of the Spirit?

  • The Prayer of Unbelief

    You've heard of the prayer of faith. I believe there is a mirror image of this prayer. It's a prayer that is based on flesh. I call it the prayer of unbelief.

    The Lord knows we don't pray nearly enough. We don't weep before him as we ought. And, sadly, when many Christians do pray, their prayer is one of unbelief. Such prayer is totally unacceptable to God. In fact, Scripture says it's sinful in his eyes.

  • Don't Judge Your Spiritual Condition By Feelings

    The apostle Paul assured the Thessalonians that they'd learned how to walk pleasing before the Lord. He told them, "Ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God" (1 Thessalonians 4:1). Paul then added this exhortation: "So ye would abound more and more" (4:1).
    To abound means to increase. Paul was saying, "You've been sitting under sound gospel preaching. So now you have a solid foundation beneath you. Therefore, you ought to be increasing in grace in all ways -- in your faith, your knowledge, your love."