

  • Hollywood Heiligheid

    Dit is hoog tyd om te praat teen Hollywood heiligheid en die vermaaklikheidsbedryf saligheid wat nou die huis van God besmet. Hoe hartseer moet die hart van God nou wees om so baie mense te sien wat hulleself Christene noem en hulleself besoedel en besmet by die duiwel se tafel. Daar is ‘n kanker van wêreldsheid wat in die kerk groei.

  • When God Sets His Heart on You

    Job asks, “What is man, that thou [God] shouldest magnify him? And that thou shouldest set thine heart upon him? And that thou shouldest visit him every morning, and try him every moment?” (Job 7:17–18, my italics).

    Hebrews 12:1 tells us that the world is encircled by a cloud of witnesses who are with Christ in glory. My question is, what does this great crowd bear witness to? And who is their witness meant for?

    This cloud of witnesses speaks to our generation, by their lives and their words as recorded in Scripture. I believe they have three things to say to us:

  • The Costliness of Possessing Christ

    Matthew tells us Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables: "All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 13:34-35).

  • God Is Not Casual

    God is not casual in the way He deals with His very own children. He does nothing by chance or happenstance. There is nothing hit-or-miss about His methods. Man may become casual and indifferent toward God, but God cannot be casual toward man.

  • We Need More Troublemakers in the Church

    We need more troublemakers in the church! I pray that every member of the body of Christ would become a troublemaker! We need an army of troublemakers who have become so full of the Holy Ghost they will stir up and trouble New York City and every other city around the world; trouble their wicked institutions — challenge the established dead churches — trouble the leaders, the mayors, the city councils, the community leadership! In other words, we need Holy Ghost troublemakers moving in the Spirit, proclaiming the kingship of Christ so effectively that whole cities are stirred!

  • Help Yourself

    One of the most tragic words in any language is SOMEDAY! It sums up the unfulfilled hopes and dreams of this entire generation.

    Listen to the addicted drug user or alcoholic, "Someday I'm going to break this habit! Someday I'll get this monkey off my back! Someday I'll wake up and this nightmare will be just a bad dream. Someday - I'll be free."

  • Hollywood Holiness

    It is high time to speak out against all the Hollywood holiness and show business salvation that is now contaminating the house of God. How sad the heart of God must now be to see so many who call themselves Christians corrupting and defiling themselves at the devil's table. There is a cancer of worldliness growing in the church.

  • Run from Corrupt Community

    There’s a popular phrase used by pastors today. On any given Sunday in churches across the U.S., a preacher says, “I invite you to engage in community.” There are books on the subject of connecting with community. There are podcasts and sermons. And it all sounds good because they sound like they’re talking about fellowship, the deepening of bonds between Christ-followers.