

  • Faith Without Intimacy Is No Faith at All

    I've always wondered at a question Jesus asks in Luke 18:8: "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" What could the Lord mean by this? As I look around at the church of Jesus Christ today, I think no other generation has been so focused on faith as ours.

    Everyone seems to be talking about faith. Sermons on the topic abound. Seminars and conferences on faith are held across the country. Books on the subject line the shelves of Christian bookstores. Multitudes of Christians flock to meetings to be propped up and encouraged by a message on faith.

  • Governed by the Word of God (Part 2)

    I want to show you what happens to a nation when its leaders - as well as God's people in that land - reject the Bible as the Lord's divine voice. Wherever the authority of scripture is removed, chaos soon follows - and judgment appears at the door.

    I know of no nation on earth today that is governed by God's holy word. In many Muslim lands, the people submit themselves to the authority of the Koran, and Mohammed's word is law. But in supposedly Christian nations, no such subjection to holy scripture exists.

  • I Almost Slipped!

    The Holy Spirit has prompted me to bring a solemn warning to the body of Jesus Christ! The warning is this: There is a sin raging in the church right now that is causing the fall of multitudes of Christians. This particular sin is leading many believers to the very brink of the abyss!

    Here at Times Square Church a number of dear, Christ-loving people have already begun slipping left and right. Others are on the brink of a serious slide. I pray this message will open your eyes to your condition — and that the word God has given me here will set you free.

  • The Pain of God

    According to Scripture, we are never to think of God as a cold, unfeeling Father. Our God feels deeply! He is touchable. His heart can be moved upon. In fact, He is touched with the feelings of our infirmities (see Hebrews 4:15).

    God not only feels pain, but grieves as well. You remember that Jesus wept at Lazarus' tomb. Here is a picture of God in flesh weeping! It shows us that the Lord feels with us and weeps with us. After all, Jesus said, "...he that hath seen me hath seen the Father..." (John 14:9).

  • Accusing God of Child Neglect

    God has a way of dealing with His children by asking them questions. And He poses these questions in such a way as to expose our very thoughts.

    For example:

    When Elijah was hiding in the cave, the Lord asked: "Elijah, what are you doing here?"

    When Peter began walking on the water toward Christ, and doubt caused him to sink in the waves, Jesus asked: "Why did you not believe?"

    When Saul, soon to be named Paul, was on the Damascus road, Christ asked him: "Why do you persecute Me?"

  • The Touch of God

    During the revival days of my youth, a phrase was often used to describe certain Christians: "He has the touch of God upon him." Or, "She has really been touched of God."

    These particular saints were easily recognized because they were unusual, even among those who followed the Lord. They were on fire, wholly given to God, detached from the things of the world. They were God-possessed, brokenhearted, grievers for lost souls. And you knew this about them: They had a touch of God upon their lives!

  • A Perfect Heart

    It is possible to walk before the Lord with a perfect heart! God said to Abraham, "I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect" (Genesis 17:1).

    God also said to the children of Israel, "Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord your God" (Deuteronomy 18:13). David determined in his heart to obey this command. He said, "I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way.... I will walk within my house with a perfect heart" (Psalm 101:2).

  • Times Square Church Report

    We bring you a Christ-exalting report of what the Lord is doing in the heart of America's largest city at Times Square Church, Manhattan, New York.

    From the opening prayer — the Holy Spirit moved upon the audience with fire from on high. The Lord's presence in every service was mighty, with the Lord giving much evidence that He Himself had planted this church right in the center of the enemy's territory.

  • There Is a Cry of Repentance in the Land

    I want to bring you a report of what is happening as a result of the ministry of our book, Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth.

    We expected a lot of criticism and backlash, but we were not expecting to hear from so many thousands of beloved saints of God who wrote to us saying, "We have seen the same things! God has been saying to our hearts that judgment is near! Your warnings express exactly what the Holy Spirit has been saying to us!"